What is apple maggot?

Joseph Berger, Bugwood.org
Apple maggot is a key apple pest. Adult apple maggots are 2mm long, slightly smaller than a house fly, and have conspicuous black bands running across their transparent wings. The larvae are white, tapered maggots that tunnel throughout the flesh of fruit. They are often found in large numbers and can quickly reduce an apple to a brown, pulpy mess.
Where do they live?
The apple maggot is native to eastern North America. Today apple maggot has spread throughout most of North America. A single adult female was detected in West Kelowna in 2015, but the Southern Interior of BC is still considered the last major apple growing area of North America free of apple maggot. While apple, crabapple and hawthorn trees are the primary hosts, the apple maggot has been reported in plums, apricots, pears, cherries, spreading cotoneaster and wild rose hips.
Report all sightings
Report ALL sightings in British Columbia Interior. Call 250 470 4884 and ask to speak to plant health staff at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
Help prevent the spread of Apple Maggot!
See more information from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency here: Apple Maggot CFIA.