Trap Viewer

  • Codling Moth Trap in an Apple Tree

  • Adult Codling Moth in a Trap | Image Source: Scott Bauer, USDA Agricultural Research Service,

  • SIR Staff Checking a Trap

Codling moth traps are placed in all the orchards in the SIR program area. These pheromone traps are checked weekly by SIR staff throughout the growing season. Trap count results are updated weekly and can be found at the link below. The trap count results are used to assist growers and their field consultants in making decisions regarding the need to spray for codling moth during the growing season. Trap count results are also used to produce the annual Codling Moth Neighbourhood Maps.

Trap Viewer Mapping Application

Trap Viewer is an online map-based application. It may take several seconds to load, please be patient.